The human body was designed to detoxify itself. We have a series of internal ‘filters’ that help separate the good from the bad, and push
Read moreHow to Balance Your Doshas

Vata, Pitta, Kapha – the Ayruvedic Doshas that govern your body balance Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that has been in practice in
Read moreHow Light Therapy can Rejuvenate Your Skin

Summer is a wonderful time of fun and friends, vacations and family. Everyone is more relaxed and laid back, taking in every moment and enjoying
Read moreWhat You Need to Know About Lyme Disease

Earlier this week, Canadian pop singer Avril Lavigne opened up about her experience with Lyme disease. Her emotional interview on ABC’s Good Morning America put
Read moreIncreasing Nitric Oxide Naturally

While doing research for our previous Nitric Oxide post, one thing that came up over and over was the question: “Where can I buy Nitric
Read moreThe Importance of Nitric Oxide

Everywhere we look lately, we are seeing an increase in advertising for Nitric Oxide supplements; it seems as though Nitric Oxide is the “new” keyword
Read moreLEDs vs Lasers

Which is better? LEDs or Lasers? Depending on whom you speak with, the answer seems to depend on the product that person currently uses. Proponents
Read moreThe Diversity of Light

Oftentimes when introducing the lights to someone new, we are asked: “What are they good for? Can they help with xyz?” While the simple answers
Read more6 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

The holidays are coming to a close and as we head into January and February, we see the end of a brief period marked with
Read moreIntro to Homotoxicology

The human body has an amazing super power – it can heal itself. If you cut yourself, the injury will heal automatically. You don’t need
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