We’re sure you’ve noticed by now that we’ve been having some trouble with our website.

Unfortunately, our previous website is no longer useable, however we are currently working hard on rebuilding. Almost all of our pages are back up and running, and now we’re just working on finalizing everything.

Our emails were also temporarily down, but they are working now. If you have sent us an email and didn’t receive a response, please resend it to


Regrettably, this also means that the links in all of our previous emails no longer work. 🙁 If you currently receive any of our Welcome or Education series emails, rest assured that once the site is back up and the links redirected, you will be resent all of the emails in that series so that you don’t miss out on the information.


If you need to reach us, please contact Cheryl Perkins at 604-751-0820, or the office at 1-866-358-0466.

We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve it.



Cheryl Perkins & the Whole Health at Home team