Every colour, or wavelength, of light, has different benefits on cells. Check out the list below of some of the benefits experienced with Blue, Red, & Infrared light.
Benefits of Blue Light
- increased Nitric Oxide production/release
- increased circulation in the epidermal tissues (surface layers)
- increased detoxification of the cells/skin
- increased lymphatic stimulation/flow
- reduced inflammation
- speeds wound healing on surface
- nervous system re-balancing/regeneration.
- restoring and balancing liver function,bile flow and detoxification (Activates the P450 enzyme group. P450 enzymes get their name from “Photon 450 nanometers”, which is blue light.)
- isomerization of bilirubin; prevents jaundice; can prevent psoriasis in some cases.
- stimulates DNA telomerase enzyme, which is responsible for rebuilding the telomeres (protective tips) of the DNA strand and also helps to rebuild lost proteins which hold the information for things such as hair color, etc.
- helpful for skin issues and skin damage, including scars, birthmarks, stretchmarks, aging (degeneration), acne, acidosis conditions in the skin (age spots)
- assists with mood disorders and increased neurotransmitter production, specifically serotonin.
- reduces production of melatonin.
- helps to clear toenail fungus or fungal conditions of the skin.
- helpful for Thyroid/throat issues.
- can eradicate MRSA bacteria and certain forms of streptococcus and staphylococcus
- reduces the intensity of inflammation of herpes lesions and speeds healing
- restores circadian rhythms (sleep cycles)
Benefits of Red Light
- increased Nitric Oxide production/release
- increased peripheral circulation
- increased lymphatic stimulation/flow
- speeds wound healing of soft tissue
- normalizes cellular membrane potential and restores normal cell function
- increased ATP production and synthesis
- increased phagocytosis (the removal of cellular debris and pathogens)
- reduces inflammation, increases prostaglandins, reduces interleukin
- enhanced immune and lymphocyteresponses
- increased angiogenesis (the development of new blood cells)
- temperature modulation
- enhanced detoxification, increases superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels
- Cancer/cell protective; decreased C-reactive protein and neopterinlevels
- Pain relief; increase in beta endorphins, reduces bradykininlevels
- increased nerve function; nerve cell action potentials
- increased parasympathetic response; release of acetylcholine (an autonomic nervous system signalling molecule)
- promotes axonal sprouting and nerve cell regeneration
- increased cell metabolism
- stimulates hair growth/regrowth
- helps with skin issues, skin damage, including scars, stretchmarks, aging (degeneration)
Benefits of Infrared Light
- increase in Nitric Oxide production/release
- increased circulation in the deeper and larger vessels
- increased detoxification of the cells
- increased lymphatic stimulation/flow
- reduced inflammation
- speeds wound healing on surface and deeper levels
- increased phagocytosis (removal of cellular debris and pathogens)
- enhanced immune response
- increased angiogenesis (the development of new blood cells)
- increased parasympathetic response; release of acetylcholine (an autonomic nervous system signalling molecule)
- promotes axonal sprouting and nerve cell regeneration
- promotes DNA and RNA synthesis, which helps the cells to produce proteins to fix themselves, and aids other cells by donating these proteins.
- increased ATP production at deeper levels
- increased cellular metabolism
- promotes collagen synthesis
- stimulates production of fibroblasts (new connective tissue)
- reduces fibrous tissue formation
- nervous system re-balancing/regeneration at deeper levels
- Pain relief at deeper levels
- Osteoblast production; promotes an increase in bone density and new bone growth